Vietnam food is always famous for its richness, reasonable price and extremely delicious. Of course, this is also a topic that you will often need to use when talking to native speakers. In today’s article by Jellyfish, you will find a lot of useful Vietnamese food vocabulary. Let’s explore together!

I. 50+ Vietnamese food vocabulary

The cuisine world is exceptionally rich, especially for a Southeast Asian country where street food is thriving. In the table below, Jellyfish has compiled Vietnam food vocabulary that you will undoubtedly encounter while living or traveling in Vietnam: 

English Vietnamese
Pork Thịt lợn
Chicken Thịt gà
Beef Thịt bò
Duck  Thịt vịt
Seafoods Hải sản
Vegetable Rau
Cabbage Rau cải
Chinese cabbage Rau cải thảo
Katuk  Rau ngót
Malabar spinach Rau mồng tơi
Water morning glory Rau muống
Potato Khoai tây
Sweet potato Khoai lang
Tomato Cà chua
Cucumber Dưa chuột
Onion Củ hành
Garlic Củ tỏi
Mushroom Nấm
Polygonum Rau răm
Carrot Cà rốt
Apple Quả táo
Mango Quả xoài
Watermelon Quả dưa hấu
Banana Quả chuối
Avocado Quả bơ
Coconut Quả dừa
Grape Quả nho
Grapefruit Quả bưởi
Lime Quả chanh xanh
Lychee Quả vải
Orange Quả cam
Papaya Quả đu đủ
Peach Quả đào
Pineapple Quả dứa
Plum Quả mận
Strawberry Quả dâu 
Black bean Đậu đen
Kidney bean Đậu đỏ
Okra Đậu bắp
Green bean/ String bean Đậu cô-ve
Mineral water Nước lọc
Beer Bia
Wine Rượu nho
Coffee Cà phê
Tea Trà
Milk Sữa
Yogurt Sữa chua
Steamed Meat Buns Bánh bao
Goby Cá bống
Herring Cá trích
Eel Lươn
Carp Cá chép 
Anchovy Cá cơm
Snake-head Cá quả
Codfish Cá thu
Steamed sticky rice Xôi
Fried rice Cơm rang

See more: Explore: 49+ Flowers in Vietnamese

II. Some adjectives to describe Vietnamese food – Vietnamese food vocabulary

Do you know how to describe the food you enjoy in Vietnamese? Vietnamese people often use adjectives to describe dishes, and of course they are as rich as Vietnamese food vocabulary. Let’s take a look at some adjectives with Jellyfish in the table below:

English Vietnamese Example
Tasty, Yummy, Luscious, Delectable, Delicious Ngon miệng Món này được nêm nếm rất ngon miệng (The soup that my mother cooked is tasty)
Savory Ngon tuyệt Pizza ở quán này ngon tuyệt (Pizza at this restaurant is savory)
Flavorsome Đậm đà Món xào này được sử dụng nước mắm nên rất đậm đà (This stir-fry dish uses fish sauce so it is extremely flavorsome)
Fresh Tươi ngon Mẹ tôi thường xuyên mua nguyên liệu nấu ăn ở siêu thị vì chúng rất tươi ngon (My mother often buys cooking ingredients at the supermarket because they are so fresh)
Bland Nhạt nhẽo Tôi không thích ăn trứng luộc vì chúng khá nhạt nhẽo (I don’t like to eat boiled eggs because they are quite bland)
Overcooked Nấu quá chín Miếng bít tết này bị nấu quá chín nên không còn ngon như ban đầu (This steak is overcooked so it’s not as good as it was originally)
Tender Mềm Trẻ em trong giai đoạn tập ăn nên ăn các món mềm, dễ nuốt (Children in the period of learning to eat should eat tender, easy-to-swallow foods)
Mild sweet Ngọt thanh Mẹ tôi rất thích ăn chè ở đây vì chúng ngọt thanh và dễ ăn (My mother loves to eat tea here because they are mild sweet and easy to eat)
Bitter Đắng Em trai tôi không thích ăn socola đen vì chúng rất đắng (My brother doesn’t like to eat dark chocolate because they are very bitter)

See more:  Vietnamese Colors and Their Cultural Significance

III. Some typical Vietnamese dishes – Vietnamese food vocabulary

The food culture of Vietnam is not only familiar to locals, but it is also a mandatory “procedure” for foreign tourists when visiting Vietnam. Let’s explore typical dishes with Jellyfish that you must try when coming to Vietnam!

1. Bún bò Huế

Huế style (hot and spicy) served with beef, broth, blood and pork.

vietnamese food vocabulary

2. Phở

Noodle soup served with various cuts of beef and onions. Often eaten with basil, mint, lime, and bean sprouts.


3. Bún chả

Vermicelli noodles with grilled pork meatballs served over salad, herbs, bean sprouts, and sliced cucumbers.

Bún chả

4. Cơm tấm

Warm broken rice often served with a slab of grilled pork chop marinated in sugar and fish sauce (sườn), a slice of steamed pork loaf topped with egg yolks (chả trứng hấp), and a mixture of pork skin and thinly shredded pork (bì).

Cơm tấm

This is a typical Southern dish, sold in many restaurants from sidewalks to spacious restaurants.

5. Bánh chưng

‘Bánh chưng’  is an indispensable part of Vietnamese New Year’s Day, used to express the gratitude of descendants to ancestors, to heaven and earth. Ingredients for making banh chung include: glutinous rice, pork, beans, dong leaves.

Bánh chưng

In addition, there are many other very unique dishes such as: Bánh xèo (Xeo Cake), Bún riêu, Bánh mì,… You should definitely try it if you have a chance!

IV. Some conversation using Vietnam food vocabulary

Here are some dialogues you can use to say when you want to buy food, order food using the Vietnamese food vocabulary above. Please try to refer to:

a. Buying foods

  • Người bán hàng: Chào chị, chị muốn mua gì ạ? (Hi. What do you want to buy?)
  • Người mua: Tôi muốn mua một ít rau. (I want to buy vegetables)
  • Người bán: Chị muốn mua rau gì ạ? (Which one?)
  • Người mua: Tôi muốn mua rau muống, rau cải và 1kg khoai tây (I want water morning glory, cabbage and 1 kilogram of potato)
  • Người bán: Chị còn muốn thêm gì nữa không? (Anything else?)
  • Người mua: Cho tôi thêm 2 quả dừa và 1kg mận (Two coconuts and 1 kilogram of plums please)

b. In the restaurants

  • Nhân viên: Chào anh, anh muốn order món gì ạ? (Hi guys, what would you like to order?)
  • Nam: Cho em 1 suất cơm rang (Give me 1 serving of fried rice please)
  • Vũ: Cho mình 1 tô Bún Bò (One bowl of ‘Bún bò’ please)
  • Nhân viên: Dạ, đồ ăn sẽ có sau 5 phút nữa ạ. (Yes sir. Wait me for 5 more minutes)

When food is ready:

  • Nam: Wow… Trông thật ngon mắt! (Wow…This dish looks so delicious)
  • Vũ (Try 1 spoon of broth): Ngon thật đấy! (Extremely yummy!)

c. Inviting friends to eat

  • Nhung: Đi ăn phở không? (Do you want to eat ‘phở’?)
  • Hoa: Mình vừa ăn hôm qua rồi (I just ate yesterday).
  • Nhung: Vậy ăn Bún chả không? (What’s about ‘Bún chả’?)
  • Hoa: Ừ, được đấy! mình biết một quán rất ngon (Yeah, it’s OK! I know a very good restaurant).

On arrival at the restaurant:

  • Hoa (Talking to waiter): Cho chị 2 suất Bún chả nhé! (Give me two servings of ‘Bún chả’ please!)
  • Waiter: Dạ vâng ạ, chị chờ quán một chút nhé! (Yes, please wait for a while!)

After meal:

  • Hoa: Bạn thấy ngon không? (Did you find this dish delicious?)
  • Nhung: Khá ngon! Nước chấm rất đậm đà nhưng hơi ngọt (Pretty delicious! The dipping sauce is very flavorsome but a bit sweet)

Above are some Vietnamese food vocabulary about the most common food that surely foreign tourists will have to use when talking with native speakers. Because incorrectly read words cause misunderstandings for listeners, you must practice speaking regularly to be able to use them fluently and avoid confusion when speaking.

If you are looking for a comprehensive Vietnamese course that will help you communicate with native speakers naturally and understand more about Vietnamese culture. Please refer to the special courses at Jellyfish Viet Nam.

For more information and free consultancy, please fill the form below! We will reach out to you!

Jellyfish Vietnam – Hotline: 0961.106.466

Please fill out the registration form for Vietnamese language course consultation if you need it!

Source: Learning Vietnamese Education

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